Today was not easy. It is amazing how things can change so quickly. I pulled into the gym parking lot this morning, a little later than usual. My dad called me just as I was getting out of my car to tell me that my grandma, Janey had a brain aneurysm this morning and she's not going to make it. I am so sad, I feel sick. I love my grandma so much. She is a big part of who I am... why I say some of the funny things that I do, why I love flowers, why I don't have a tattoo, why I have known the Lord for as long as I can remember. I wouldn't be me without her.
I didn't know what else to do except my workout. There was nothing else I could think to do or place I wanted to go.
Thankfully today is my recovery day. I put in my headphones, and Bon Iver and I went through the motions together. I love you, Janey. Please know how much I love you.
5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
WORKOUT: 2k row at recovery pace (2:41) + 25 TUG's @ 18# KB
3x20 deficit deadlift (standing on a 15kg plate) @ 30% 1RM (89#), rest 3' between
10x3 deadlift @ 30%, 1 min. between
Cool Down: easy 2k at recovery pace
She knows Linds.......she knows. She loved her grandchildren more than life itself!! Guaranteed!