Today's workouts--
5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General W/up:5min erg
2. PT: Glute/VMO
3. Specific W/up: Burgner warm-up, work up to 75% power snatch
4. WORKOUT: Power/Endurance - IWT (power focus)
60" erg @ 1k split (1:49, 1:47, 1:46 pace)
4x Power Snatch @ 75% (first set at 73#, then 63#)... I got a little eager and thought I could do more, but my form was suffering, so I went down to where I should have been.
90"rest, 3x
3’ Rest
60"Step Up to 20" box (30,32,33 steps)
4x Front Squat @ 80% (124#... but went down to 114# after first rep :( ... I didn't have the confidence to do this at my weight... so I was at about 73% and it was still really hard to do 4 reps).
90" rest, 3x
3x10 of:
Split Squat @Barbell
1-Leg good morning @BB
1-Arm KB Push Press @26#
1-arm-DB Bench Press @20#
1-arm DB row @26#
5. Supplemental: none
6. Cool Down: 10 min. easy erg
4pm: Group workout with Lizzy Liz and Erica Worden
7x3 Clean High Pull @ 85% max clean... I used 105#
3 Rounds:
400m Run
10 Power Snatch @ 95#... I used 63# for the first round, 68# for the last 2.
Time: 7:29
Today was a good day. My morning workout was harder than it looked on paper. Steve told me to try to go faster on each of my rowing pieces, and I'm happy that I was able to do so. Although my snatch is definitely getting better, I'm still not as strong at it as I thought I would be, so after my first round, I had to take some weight off. The squats were real rough... I had a couple moments of being overwhelmed by the weight, but I kept telling myself that I am strong and that helped a lot. Its interesting how self talk can change a workout. The mind is a powerful thing! I wish I felt like I could have done 80%, as was written, but I think my legs were extra tired today from all of my sprinting yesterday.
The group workout was fun and I was thankful to be able to do it with the girls. I was happy with my time, though it would be nice if I could have done it at the prescribed weight. Since 95# is a bit more than my max, that was not going to happen... but someday!
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