I like Wednesdays because they are almost Thursdays, and that means recovery day! I thought the focus of this month was power/endurance, but apparently I'm wrong... just power?... no matter... whatever it is, it's not my strength. It feels random, even though Steve assures me that it's not. Either way, not my strength, thus not my favorite. Who likes to work on things they aren't very good at? No one...but this is what makes us better!
Today's WOD :)
5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General W/up: 5min erg
2. PT: Jobes shoulder circuit #1 (I do these exercises 3 days a week, so if you are really super curious, click here). These exercises have helped with my shoulder issues tremendously.
3. Specific W/up: 3x10 wall squat, 2x10 goblet squat, 2x10 squat jump, 2x5 tuck jump, then work up to 60% squat
4. WORKOUT: 2x box squat (2" below parallel) @ 60% (119#)(speed, speed, speed!) + 2 box hop (don't open hips on top), 3 box jump over, 4 quick hop, rest 3 min. between 5x through
Push Press 3x@85% (90#) + 5 push press ball toss to 10 ft. @ 20#, rest 3 min. between 5x through
5. Supplemental: 3x10 (5x ea side) lateral step ups, 1-leg RDL @35#, 1-arm DB alternating press @20#, 2-arm band pull downs, 1-arm BOR alternating @20#, GH rise
6. Cool Down: 10 min. easy erg
My squats felt pretty good today... its was the hopping that was difficult. Jumping quickly over the small boxes was not so quick, so I used med balls instead. This worked better, but I still felt awkward. I think my push presses started to get better as I got into the later sets, but the wall ball push presses... not so hot. Pretty sure I hit myself in the face a few times.
WOD #2...
20x 30"/90” erg (shoot for 1k splits)
I dread these, but really, once I start them, they aren't so terrible. I am pretty sure I went faster than my 1k pace. I would get down to 1:40-1:43/500m and hold. The last 5 were the hardest, but managed to keep my pace for the most part knowing I was almost done.
I ate pretty clean today... coffee, eggs and avocado for breakfast. a larabar... peanut butter cookie... dry but very tasty. chicken w/ avocado and berries for lunch. some beef jerky and an iced coffee... which did not help how sleepy I felt. meatza for dinner (yes, a pizza made of meat) and a salad. then later, while watching Glee, chocolate covered almonds and a spoonful of almond butter.
While on the topic of food, I started having these thoughts today that I should be eating differently... better somehow. A few of my dear friends are on a 30 day diet... basically eating the same few meals over and over and only a certain number of calories a day. I have to be careful here, because issues of food and body image have been a struggle for me over the past few years, mostly since college. While I pretty much eat Paleo (to me this includes coconut ice cream and sweet potato chips) I wouldn't consider myself to be on a diet. I had to remind myself multiple times today that diets don't work for me... they take me backwards to an unhealthy place where I didn't like much about myself. No good. I am not speaking for everyone here, just me. That's all I wanted to say about that I think. It helps me to acknowledge that this is still a struggle for me, but also to recognize how far I have come, and I've come a long way.
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