Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Is it really only Tuesday?

Still kind of off today. I'm a little bit sore, but my body felt fine, and mentally I felt pretty good. I went to Kean Coffee early this morning and really enjoyed this time to myself to read and think. I read a chapter from one of my favorite books, Found Art by Leanna Tankersley, and a few passages of scripture. I love Leanna's book because she puts into words so many things that I have thought or felt... and it reminds me that I'm normal.

What especially stood out to me from the Bible was two passages from Romans 13: "Love does no wrong to anyone, so love satisfies all of God's requirements" (v. 10) and, "Let the Lord Jesus Christ take control of you, and don't think of ways to indulge your evil desires" (v. 14). I tried to keep these words in mind today... of course I forgot often as I got into my routine, but there were certainly times where I was more mindful of these things... to love freely, and to let go of control.

Here were my workouts today:
5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General W/up: toss med ball 5 min. (with partner or against wall)... oops, I forgot to do this, I rowed 10min instead.
2. PT: Glute/VMO
3. Specific W/up: DB Complex @ 15#, 6x ea. Hi-pull + BOR + Hang Clean + Thruster + OHS & Sots combo + Push-up & 1-arm row
4. WORKOUT: KB carries 30m ea; farmer walk 2x (70#), suitcase 2x (1x each)(70#), 1-OH (1x ea)(35#), Crosswalk(70/35#), then with sled @ 35# (used 53/35# for crosswalk w/ sled)
5. Supplemental: 3x10 T2B, 3x10 HSPU (used green and red bands), 3x10 pistol
6. Cool Down: 10 min. light sled drag (35#)

2nd workout: 6pm Group class.
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 10x @ 50% 1RM (68#), 4x8 @ 60% (78#) ... I don't know my 1RM, so I guessed, but it felt right.
Snatch (power) @ 65#
Handstand Push-up (I used 2 ab mats and kipped)
time: 11:11
I love taking the group classes. Love it! Its fun and I get to hang out with all of the people that I love at the best CrossFit gym!


  1. I have to admit, seeing your time and the fact that you used 2 abmats and had to kip makes me feel better! ;-) It reminds me that you really are human, you can just do a lot of superhuman things! Oh, and I agree, it's fun to go back to the group classes. I love seeing all of our new onboarders with the regular group! Love ya, Linds!

  2. Sad I've never seen you at Kean! Nice Bible quotes. You write "reminds me that I'm normal," but then you have a large chunk of technical jargon relating to challenging Crossfit moves that gave me about as much confusion as a grandma gets looking at computer specs. Face it you're supernormal.
