I woke up a little before my 6am alarm this morning, started the coffeee and headed over to the OC Fairgrounds to check in for the competition. It was overcast, but I wouldn’t have expected rain... definitely not a thunderstorm and hail, but sure enough! Fortunately I avoided getting too wet, but the event was postponed over an hour to reassess the situation and decide whether or not to continue. They decided to carry on with the event, but made some changes to the workouts. I don’t think the workouts were nearly as interesting, but they were fine, and could be completed rain or shine, which was the goal.

- 10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of 15 burpeesand 30 double unders. I got 6 rounds, 15 burpees, 4 double unders.
- 4 minutes to get as many reps as possible of a 135 pound deadlift. I got 103 reps.
- 7 minute AMRAP of 10 pull-ups and 10 air squats. I got 7 rounds, 10 pull-ups, 1 squat.
I was happy with how I did. I was placed 9th after the first workout. At first glance, this workout didn’t look to bad, but it was really exhausting. Both exercises are quite tiring, and the combo of the two was brutal. My body felt like jell-o when I was done. I don’t have any aching desire to do that one again!
I was very lucky that the second workout was changed from a 1 rep max clean and jerk to AMRAP deadlifts at less than 50% of my 1 rep max. I can’t help but love the reaction I get from people when I do deadlifts. The judge who counted my reps was really stunned at how many I did... the first 66 without letting go of the bar. Man, I love deadlifts!
The third workout went by fast. I moved pretty well for the first half, but my forearms really started to fatigue and I couldn’t string my pull-ups so well for the last half. I will take pull-ups over push-ups any day though!
All in all it was a great day. I had fun doing the workouts and watching my friends compete. I had to head out right after my last workout for a wedding in Malibu, so I had no idea how I did overall, but my hope was at least top 10... top 5 would be awesome. I ended up tying for 2nd place out of maybe 80 girls! The critical side of me says, “you wouldn’t have placed nearly so high if the workouts hadn’t been changed”, but it is what it is, and I’ve worked hard and did well. I love what I’m doing. I love training and I feel blessed that I get to do this. I am stronger physically, mentally, emotionally. I could have finished last and I’m sure I still would have had fun.
“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” -Christopher Columbus
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