100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
Time: 28:18
Before I started this workout, G kindly told me that her best time on Angie was 22 minutes, so this gave me a target. I was finished with my pull-ups at 7:50 (about the same as what I did a couple weeks ago when I had to do 100). Push-ups are my enemy. I can hear Coach in the back of my head telling me to hold in my abs and push through at the top. I hit 22 minutes and I probably had at least 25 push-ups to go. G, you're a stud! After I got through, one lousy rep at a time, the sit-ups and squats were a breeze. Firebreather time is 30 minutes, so I got it, but it was close!
10:30am-- Power Endurance
10x 30" Sled sprint w/25# plate, 90" rest between sets
This was tough, especially after 100 squats. Normally I would rest a few hours before my second workout, but its Saturday and I wanted to enjoy my coffee and Pierre's scramble at Haute Cakes Cafe, so I just went right into it. I love running and doing the sprints was fun. I turned my music up and pretended that someone or something was chasing me. I am pretty certain I ran as fast as my legs would let me. Lots of looks from our friendly crew down the alley... I must say, I will not miss those guys.
All in all, good workouts.
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