5 min. SMR (foam roll), mobility, dynamic (hip mobility, leg swings, pass throughs)
1. General warmup: 10 min. easy erg, w/ 3 hard efforts (short 15 sec. sprints)
2. PT: Jobes Shoulder Circuit #5 w/2# plates
3. Specific warmup: 3x10 wall squat, 3x10 squat jump, 2x5 tuck jump,
1x10 Jerk Balance @30% (33#), 1x10 Hang Clean@30% (45#), then work up to 80% snatch (68#)
6x3 Snatch (full) @ 80% (68#) w/ 2' rest b/w sets (3,3,3,3,3,3)
6x3 Clean & Jerk @ 80% (94#) w/2' rest b/w sets (3,3,3,3,3,3)
5. Supplemental:
5. Supplemental:
3x6 depth jump-to-broad jump off 18"box
3x10 muscle up drills (toes on box--did sets of 2-3 at a time)
300" FLR (plank on rings) (1’/30”rest)
6. Cool Down: 10 min. easy erg
6. Cool Down: 10 min. easy erg
I was supposed to do the following later in the day, but I had a good feeling I wouldn't make it back to the gym again, so I squeezed this in after my muscle up drills... and boy, did it hurt! Thank the Lord I only had to do 5 rounds. My first 3 were decent, but I started to decline quickly...
5x 30” all out sprint/90” rest V-Climb (100, 101, 100, 96, 95ft)... it has to be said that this is pretty much the worst thing ever!
I was happy with how I did today. The gym was quiet because of the holiday and Steve is still out of town, but Bobbie was there, and Jeff came in too to workout with me. He did some of the same things, but cut out after the box broad jumps. I overheard him say something to Bobbie about these workouts taking a long time. I'm glad he knows now that I'm not just messing around :)
Two of the three NLI workouts were posted today. I'm getting excited. The first workout is 30-20-10 pull-ups and wall balls with a 200m run between rounds. Right up my alley! The floater workout is a 1 RM Clean and Jerk. These strength deals usually move me down in the rankings, but I'm confident I can PR... its been a while and I'm pretty sure I've gotten stronger. There will be one more workout, but it is not yet posted... I'm hoping for something longer and not too heavy.
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