Tuesday, October 4, 2011


So... I (more like Jeff) switched my blog over to the CrossFit Costa Mesa website. No worries, its still the same ramblings, just in a different spot... and my life is still very sweaty ;)
Here's the new site:

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Have fun for time!

Today was a fun day. I am thankful that I had stuff planned for the day so I wasn't just sitting around. It turned out to be a perfectly gorgeous day in Orange County... not that it's uncommon, but the past couple of weeks have been pretty gloomy, especially in the mornings. The first thing I did today was a low-key CrossFit event at Newport Dunes. It was a workout that included stand up paddle boarding as a way to introduce people to the sport. Jeff and I both did this event last year and we had a lot of fun.

Here was the workout:
2K row
50 kettlebell swings @ 35#
400m run in the sand
400m paddle board
25 water burpees
my time: 19:15

There were probably about 10 of us that did the event today, and I think everyone did pretty awesome. After all of the heats went, I was in first place, but Jeff kindly reminded me that he still beat me! We had to leave early, so I wasn't able to do the final workout. I'm a little bummed that I couldn't finish out the day, but it doesn't really matter.

We had a really good time at the wedding tonight and got to catch up with several old friends from San Diego. The couple that got married have been together since high school like us. It was a good reminder of how lucky we are to have been a part of each others lives for so long. Friday will be our 5 year anniversary. I'm a pretty lucky girl :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Keep on moving.

I woke up early this morning and ended up reading at Kean for a while. Jeff met me there after CrossFit and we had breakfast together at Haute Cakes... because we love it and because there was almost no food in our house. Last night when I got home from the gym, Jeff had bought me some succulents and a new pot to plant them in. I don't think he could have done anything better. I was thinking yesterday that I wanted to plant something for Janey, to remember her by. It was perfect really. After breakfast this morning, I came home and planted the flowers and thought of her. Although I lost Poopa just over a month ago, and that was hard... this is different. Harder. My mom called me this afternoon before they took Janey off the respirator. She put her phone up to my grandma's ear so I could tell her how much I love her and that I would miss her. I am really thankful that I could say goodbye.

The only real purpose of today's workout was just for me to move. I pushed as hard as I could for where I was at... not my normal for sure, but it still felt challenging and good to do something.

5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
PT: Jobes shoulder circuit #2
Specific warmup: wall squats, squat jump, tuck jump 3x10
10x kb swing @ 35, 10x@44, 10x@53
10x KB Swing @ 53# KB
2:00 minute Step-up/Tuck Jump (20sec Step-up/10sec Tuck Jump)
2:00 minute Rest
3 rounds
15x Goblet Squat @ 44# KB
2:00 minute erg (15sec Hard/15sec "Less Hard")
2:00 minute Rest
3 rounds
Cool Down: easy erg 10 min.

My second workout today was at an event put on by Barbells 4 Boobs at CrossFit Newport Beach. The workout was "Grace", which is 30 Clean and Jerks at 95# for time. Again, I wasn't going for any crazy records tonight... just to support a great cause, and the mother of friends from the gym who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Janey was also a breast cancer survivor, so naturally I thought of her too. I was happy just to finish it, as I went back and forth on whether I even wanted to do it. My time was 5:39... much better than a year ago when it took me over 13 minutes! Another rough day, but God is good.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

few words...

Today was not easy. It is amazing how things can change so quickly. I pulled into the gym parking lot this morning, a little later than usual. My dad called me just as I was getting out of my car to tell me that my grandma, Janey had a brain aneurysm this morning and she's not going to make it. I am so sad, I feel sick. I love my grandma so much. She is a big part of who I am... why I say some of the funny things that I do, why I love flowers, why I don't have a tattoo, why I have known the Lord for as long as I can remember. I wouldn't be me without her.

I didn't know what else to do except my workout. There was nothing else I could think to do or place I wanted to go.

Thankfully today is my recovery day. I put in my headphones, and Bon Iver and I went through the motions together. I love you, Janey. Please know how much I love you.

5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
WORKOUT: 2k row at recovery pace (2:41) + 25 TUG's @ 18# KB
3x20 deficit deadlift (standing on a 15kg plate) @ 30% 1RM (89#), rest 3' between
10x3 deadlift @ 30%, 1 min. between
Cool Down: easy 2k at recovery pace

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

That was a toughie!

I felt good this morning coming into the gym, despite the fact that I am sore all over! I knew the workout would be an IWT (interval weight training), but I was half expecting it to be like last week's... which was a short one. Why I thought this, I don't know, because we have moved into power-endurance... meaning, its going to be longer. Wishful thinking I guess. What I like about IWT's is that they are broken up into segments, so I can more easily focus on one round at a time. The clean and jerks were the most challenging part for me today. Even at 55% of my max... 12 reps is a lot after you've rowed at a pretty fast pace for 3 minutes. Anyway, the whole thing was tough, but I felt really good when I finished... mostly because it hurt badly and I wanted to slow down, but my mind was strong and I resisted getting lazy. Such a good feeling!

5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General warmup: 10min easy erg
2. PT: Jobes shoulder circuit #2
3. Specific warmup: 5x Rack push press @ training bar, 5x Push Press, 5x Rack push jerk, 5x push jerk, 5x rack jerk balance, 5x Jerk balance, 5x split jerk, then Clean practice with light bar (like 35#-45#, then work up to Clean and Jerk 55%)
3 min. erg @ 2k + 9 (2:00-2:02 pace) (750, 741, 739m)
12x Clean and Jerk @55% (70#) (5-6 touch and go, then 2’s)
3 min. rest
3x through
5 min. rest
3 min. V-Climb @ 125-130 ft/min (383, 383, 383ft... now that's consistency!)
12x OHS @ 65% (75#) (12's)
3 min rest
pull up
push up
sit up
ring dips (used a thin band... I'm a little out of practice)
GH Rise
goblet squat w/ 35#
Cool Down: easy sled drag 10 min.

My afternoon W.O.D....
30/30 Erg @ 2k split, rest rate is 50% 10x
rest 5 min. 2x through

This was also pretty killer. It brought back bad memories of the last time Steve had me do 30/30's on the Erg. I went faster than my actual 2k split (about 1:51). The rest just wasn't long enough and my heart rate was up there. The second set was very uncomfortable. So glad Thursday is recovery day!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Strength "Other"

Today was a strength day, but my workout probably didn't look like what you would think of when you think strength. To me at least, it looks like a few sets of heavy squats or deadlifts. Instead, it was different variations of kettle bell carries, as heavy as possible from one end of our parking lot to the other (approx. 75 meters). Here was my morning workout:

5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General warmup: 10 min. easy erg with 2-3 hard efforts
2. PT: glute/vmo
3. Specific warmup: none
4. WORKOUT: 75m farmer carry @70#, suitcase carry @70#, 1-arm OH @35#, Crosswalk @53/35#; 1x@ heavy KB's as possible, 1x @ heavy KB's + Sled @ 50lbs
5. Supplemental: 3x10 toes to bar, 3x10 pull ups, 3x10 GH Rise, 300"Ring FLR
6. Cool Down: easy jog/walk

The different carries:
Farmer--holding KB's down by your sides
Suitcase--1 KB down by your side
1-arm OH--1 arm overhead
Crosswalk--1 arm down by your side, 1 arm OH

On all of these, you should keep your shoulders pulled back and your chest up... this becomes very difficult when you are trying to go as heavy as possible. When I do the Farmer carry with 70# in each hand, I'm lugging more than my bodyweight! So yes, this definitely requires physical strength, but these things are always more mental for me. I was slow and felt awkward and looked like a drunk person on some of them, the way I was staggering as the weight would pull me from side to side. There was one point durring one of the overhead carries where Steve told me I gave up a little too early. I don't like this... I don't like stopping because of my mind! If my body fails, fine. I did all I could do. If my mind fails, well then... its just quitting. I pushed a little harder after that, though it may not have looked like it.

Second workout--
6pm: group class
5 Rounds:
10 pull-ups
20 push-ups
200m run
3min rest
time: 23:33

This group workout was fun. I always love working out with everyone :) Our pull-up bars were installed yesterday, and it was fun to put them to use... the 6pm class filled them up too! I felt good on my pull-ups and my runs were fast, but push-ups slowed me down, as usual. My arms are going to be sore tomorrow. I can already feel it!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Nothing to it but to do it!

I felt good this morning... lots of energy. I woke up pretty early and spent 40 minutes or so at Kean Coffee reading. I have done this several times in the last couple of weeks and I really love it. Even though there is more going on there than at my house, I am strangely less distracted. Sometimes I just like to sit and watch people as they come and go on their way to work, or after a workout, or to meet up with a friend. And there is always the same guy sitting in the back corner with his laptop and books open. I am starting to recognize faces and have sat next to the same person 3 times now. Does this make me a regular? :) Anyway, good morning. When I got home, I even made a new playlist on Spotify and danced around my house a bit... really.

My workouts felt good today. The first one was hard. It moved faster than I thought it would. I haven't done GH sit-ups too much and they weren't awful, but definitely take more energy than I was expecting and made me quite dizzy. The wall balls were not so amazing... the heavier ball and higher target were a rough combo. I hoped to keep moving on these, but dropped the ball a few times... literally :(

5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General Warmup: easy 10 min. Versaclimber
2. PT: Jobes shoulder circuit #2
3. Specific Warmup: BB Complex 1x @ BB, 1x @ 45#, 1x @ 65#, 6x ea.
Deadlift, BOR, Hang Clean, Front Squat, Press, OHS, Push Up
4. WORKOUT: Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 Wall ball shots @ 20 pound ball (9ft. target)
10 GH Sit ups
10 Box jumps @ 24"box
Rounds: 9
5. Supplemental: 4x25 Ab wheel (yes, that's a hundo!), 3x10 Lateral DB rise @15#DB, 3x10 Push Up
6. Cool Down: 10 min. easy erg

Here is my second workout today...
10x 30"/30” on Versaclimber (this means go hard for 30 seconds, then active recovery for 30 seconds)
rest 5 min, 2x through
Total feet: 1. 1180ish, 2. 1160ish

This was tiring and made me really sweaty. I'm glad I decided to hold off on my shower til tonight. It would have been a shame to waste a shower! I think Steve mentioned eventually working up to 45 minutes of 30/30's... this sounds very very uncomfortable, especially on the Versa, because the "rest" doesn't exactly feel like a rest. Either way, I'm sure I will manage :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rest day... and I did.

Today I did not get sweaty at all. This is good news because the shower I took yesterday can last me through tomorrow :)

On a different note, I absolutely love this video and this song. I must have listened to it 12 times today because it makes me happy. How cute is this girl?

Home is wherever I'm with you.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Happy Saturday!

I felt good this morning. This was my last set of 30/90" intervals on the Versaclimber... yea! Although, I think the coming month is 30/30's, so really I don't know if I can get too excited :( Regardless, I pushed hard and was happy with how I did. The group workout was pretty tough. I tried to do as many rounds of thrusters unbroken as I could. I think I did 6 rounds, and after that I would drop the bar around rep 7 or 8. The push-ups were what really slowed me down... no surprise there... I was down to sets of 2.

Really, I only did 2 workouts this morning, but it looks like more...
20x 30”/90” hard sprints on the Versaclimber (avg. around 92-96 ft/30")
I just cruised on air diane (Airdyne) for 30 min easy while I waited for the 11am class to start.
11am:Group class
10 rounds:
10 thrusters @65#
10 push-ups
Supplemental: 3x10 (5 ea.) pistol (1-leg squat), split leg Good morning w/ BB, supine pull up (feet on med-ball), corkscrew w/ 15#plate, 3x25 ab wheel

So, I was really wanting to cook today. I am usually at the gym til at least 7 most week nights, so I haven't had a chance to cook anything new in a while... just the same ol' stuff. This afternoon, Jeff and I went grocery shopping together (something he doesn't love to do, but he offered :) and came home and cooked chicken mole together. It was relatively easy (and fun) and turned out great, except the chicken was maybe a little overcooked. Not my fault! I baked it for as long as the recipe said... what's a girl to do?! Click here for the recipe :)

Friday, September 23, 2011

Everyday I'm...

My workout today was harder than I thought it would be... yes, this is a rather common occurrence. I did three 2500 meter repeats on the erg. The first one was hard, but ok... definitely a reality check. During the second one, I had a really hard time catching my breath. I felt like I needed to yawn, but every time I reached in with my arms and my knees came into my chest, I kept getting cut off. It was an awful feeling. The third one was only better because it was the last one and I knew I could make it.

Something I was thinking about (during my recovery rows), is how much I love running. I love that when I get tired and start to slow down, there isn't a number staring me in the face telling me that I am moving slower (even if I know it). On the erg, its right there in my face. I can get a little obsessive over numbers sometimes, so when I see my split time start to creep up, I quickly do what I need to do to get it back down to where it should be. It is very helpful, but can also be annoying. Today was definitely a mental battle. My body could have probably gone a little faster, but mentally this would have been real tough. 2500 meters is a long enough distance to mess with your mind a little bit. I would get down to 2000 meters to go, and think... only 4 more 500's, then immediately think... I still have to row a 2k! I tried to focus on one piece at a time, one stroke at a time, one breath at a time. I think this is key to not giving up.

One of the guys at the gym asked me today how much I thought I had improved in the last year. A lot, I told him. It's kind of a funny thing because the changes have felt pretty gradual, and I see myself every day, so sometimes I forget that much of what I can do now was really difficult or even impossible for me a year ago. I definitely didn't believe in myself as much, and I'm certain that has made a big difference. Every so often Steve makes me look back at my old workout times and max lifts and notes in my workout journal, so that I can see how far I have come. I don't always like doing this, because I tend to be too hard on myself and can usually pick out the flaws, or say "yeah, but...". However, I can't deny the numbers that I am in fact stronger, nor the feeling inside.

Today's workout--
5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General warm up: none
2. PT: Jobes shoulder circuit #1
3. Specific warm up: 10 min. erg 2-3 hard efforts
4. WORKOUT: Cardio - 2500m x3 @ 2k + 9" (2:00-2:02), 1500m recovery between @ recovery pace (2:41ish)
1.) 2:00.8/10:04/ 33spm
2.) 2:02.1/10:10/ 34spm
3.) 2:01.4/10:07/ 34spm
5. Supplemental: 4x 30”/30” push press (hold in OH during "rest" period) (32,28,20,16 reps... dropped on hold once last 2 rounds... better than last time!)
6. Cool Down: 10 min. sled drag @35#

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Recovery Day

Today was my recovery day, so everything was pretty light and done at a slow-ish pace. I have to say, I have really come to enjoy sled drags. I usually like to listen to music while I pull the sled around the parking lot, and just think. I don't really know what I think about, but it's kind of relaxing, and I can work on my tank top tan :) Today I got fancy and did some one arm pulls forward and backward, even a little bit of sideways action. Got real crazy!

5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General W/up: easy 5 min. v-climb
2. PT: glute/VMO
3. Specific W/up: none
4. WORKOUT: 10 min. sled drag, 2k row at recovery pace, then 50x TGU's @15#DB
5. Supplemental: 2x10 deficit (4" plate) deadlift @30% (87#), 1 min. between, then 2x20 full ROM @30%
6. Cool Down: easy 1k row

Today was a day of eating out. I had breakfast with Jeff at Haute Cakes Cafe, Lunch with Piper, aka Pam, aka my awesome sister, at Taco Asylum, and dinner... well, I guess dinner was at home, but I didn't have to make anything so it felt like we went out. We had several friends over to celebrate Grant's birthday and ate carne asada tacos with tons of guac, followed by an incredible flourless chocolate cake with Han's ice cream. Not only was the cake delicious, but Christa made it in the shape of underwear, as Grant's nickname is Granty Panties :) All this you did not need to know, but it made me happy.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

a random WOD of thoughts

I like Wednesdays because they are almost Thursdays, and that means recovery day! I thought the focus of this month was power/endurance, but apparently I'm wrong... just power?... no matter... whatever it is, it's not my strength. It feels random, even though Steve assures me that it's not. Either way, not my strength, thus not my favorite. Who likes to work on things they aren't very good at? No one...but this is what makes us better!

Today's WOD :)
5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General W/up: 5min erg
2. PT: Jobes shoulder circuit #1 (I do these exercises 3 days a week, so if you are really super curious, click here). These exercises have helped with my shoulder issues tremendously.
3. Specific W/up: 3x10 wall squat, 2x10 goblet squat, 2x10 squat jump, 2x5 tuck jump, then work up to 60% squat
4. WORKOUT: 2x box squat (2" below parallel) @ 60% (119#)(speed, speed, speed!) + 2 box hop (don't open hips on top), 3 box jump over, 4 quick hop, rest 3 min. between 5x through
Push Press 3x@85% (90#) + 5 push press ball toss to 10 ft. @ 20#, rest 3 min. between 5x through
5. Supplemental: 3x10 (5x ea side) lateral step ups, 1-leg RDL @35#, 1-arm DB alternating press @20#, 2-arm band pull downs, 1-arm BOR alternating @20#, GH rise
6. Cool Down: 10 min. easy erg

My squats felt pretty good today... its was the hopping that was difficult. Jumping quickly over the small boxes was not so quick, so I used med balls instead. This worked better, but I still felt awkward. I think my push presses started to get better as I got into the later sets, but the wall ball push presses... not so hot. Pretty sure I hit myself in the face a few times.

WOD #2...
20x 30"/90” erg (shoot for 1k splits)
I dread these, but really, once I start them, they aren't so terrible. I am pretty sure I went faster than my 1k pace. I would get down to 1:40-1:43/500m and hold. The last 5 were the hardest, but managed to keep my pace for the most part knowing I was almost done.

I ate pretty clean today... coffee, eggs and avocado for breakfast. a larabar... peanut butter cookie... dry but very tasty. chicken w/ avocado and berries for lunch. some beef jerky and an iced coffee... which did not help how sleepy I felt. meatza for dinner (yes, a pizza made of meat) and a salad. then later, while watching Glee, chocolate covered almonds and a spoonful of almond butter.

While on the topic of food, I started having these thoughts today that I should be eating differently... better somehow. A few of my dear friends are on a 30 day diet... basically eating the same few meals over and over and only a certain number of calories a day. I have to be careful here, because issues of food and body image have been a struggle for me over the past few years, mostly since college. While I pretty much eat Paleo (to me this includes coconut ice cream and sweet potato chips) I wouldn't consider myself to be on a diet. I had to remind myself multiple times today that diets don't work for me... they take me backwards to an unhealthy place where I didn't like much about myself. No good. I am not speaking for everyone here, just me. That's all I wanted to say about that I think. It helps me to acknowledge that this is still a struggle for me, but also to recognize how far I have come, and I've come a long way.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Totes Tuesday :)

Today's workouts--
5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General W/up:5min erg
2. PT: Glute/VMO
3. Specific W/up: Burgner warm-up, work up to 75% power snatch
4. WORKOUT: Power/Endurance - IWT (power focus)
60" erg @ 1k split (1:49, 1:47, 1:46 pace)
4x Power Snatch @ 75% (first set at 73#, then 63#)... I got a little eager and thought I could do more, but my form was suffering, so I went down to where I should have been.
90"rest, 3x
3’ Rest
60"Step Up to 20" box (30,32,33 steps)
4x Front Squat @ 80% (124#... but went down to 114# after first rep :( ... I didn't have the confidence to do this at my weight... so I was at about 73% and it was still really hard to do 4 reps).
90" rest, 3x
3x10 of:
Split Squat @Barbell
1-Leg good morning @BB
1-Arm KB Push Press @26#
1-arm-DB Bench Press @20#
1-arm DB row @26#
5. Supplemental: none
6. Cool Down: 10 min. easy erg

4pm: Group workout with Lizzy Liz and Erica Worden
7x3 Clean High Pull @ 85% max clean... I used 105#
3 Rounds:
400m Run
10 Power Snatch @ 95#... I used 63# for the first round, 68# for the last 2.
Time: 7:29

Today was a good day. My morning workout was harder than it looked on paper. Steve told me to try to go faster on each of my rowing pieces, and I'm happy that I was able to do so. Although my snatch is definitely getting better, I'm still not as strong at it as I thought I would be, so after my first round, I had to take some weight off. The squats were real rough... I had a couple moments of being overwhelmed by the weight, but I kept telling myself that I am strong and that helped a lot. Its interesting how self talk can change a workout. The mind is a powerful thing! I wish I felt like I could have done 80%, as was written, but I think my legs were extra tired today from all of my sprinting yesterday.

The group workout was fun and I was thankful to be able to do it with the girls. I was happy with my time, though it would be nice if I could have done it at the prescribed weight. Since 95# is a bit more than my max, that was not going to happen... but someday!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Sprints

5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General W/up: none
2. PT: Jobes Shoulder circuit #1
3. Specific W/up: 10 min. easy V-climb, 3x hard efforts (get HR where it needs to be for the v-climb)
4. WORKOUT: 3x 45" all out V-Climb w/ 5min rest between (143, 142, 143ft)
5. Supplemental: 3x10 1-leg RDL @ 30# DB, 3x10 rack press @ BB, 3x10 push-ups, 3x25 Ab wheel
6. Cool Down: 10 min. easy sled drag @ 35#

20x 30”/90” hard - sled sprints @ 45#

I’m thankful to be feeling more myself this week. This morning’s workout was relatively short, but 45 seconds all out on the Versaclimber is hard! It leaves my whole body shaking after each sprint. My heart rate starts to climb just standing on it, anticipating the discomfort that I know is coming. My sled sprints this afternoon went well I think. Our new parking lot is not quite as long as our old alley, so the sprints only took me about 20 seconds. I should have put more weight on the sled to slow me down, but didn’t feel like complicating things, so I left it as it was. It was still very hard and sweaty.

I love the warning label on the Versaclimber... I feel physical discomfort!!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rest Day

I started my day off with an hour at Kean Coffee. I read a little bit, and ended up talking to a guy about CrossFit for 10 minutes or so. I don't know why, but I really love going here to think.

No workout today, though I did go to the gym for an hour this morning to train a client. I stopped at Target before going home for some essentials... mouth wash, underwear, laundry detergent... very exciting! The rest of the day, Jeff and I did some deep cleaning and went through our closets and drawers. We took 5 bags of clothes to Goodwill... feels good to get rid of stuff. I could live on a lot less, but its hard here. I got some programming done too... all in all, a productive day. I didn't feel much like making dinner, so we decided to go to Bear Flag for some fish tacos, and walked down to the beach.

I'm ready for a new week. Last week was kind of a downer, so I am hoping this one is much better. I haven't eaten too clean the past several days, which I am not beating myself up over, but I am feeling ready to get back to eating what makes me feel healthier.

Love this quote: "It's good to do uncomfortable things. It's weight training for life." -Anne Lamott

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Friday's workouts--
5 min. SMR,
1. General W/up: 10min erg
2. PT: Jobes shoulder circuit #6
3. Specific W/up: Clean drills 3x through @ Mens BB (used ladies bar for scarecrow stuff)
4. WORKOUT: Clean + Front Squat + Hang Clean every 30"" for 10 min. @ 95#
5. Supplemental: 15# DB 1-arm RDL 3x10 (5 ea), backward sled pull fly @25#, 3x10 DB 1-Arm Row
6. Cool Down: 10 min. sled drag @ 35#

15x 30"/90"
1x Mt. Climber
1x 1-arm KB Snatch @ 26#
1x Thruster @ BB
5x through, no rest between

Saturday's workout--
Today was the annual Fight Gone Bad event, which we held at the new gym. All donations went to the Wounded Warriors Project. A lot of people showed, and we raised over $2,000 making for a great event. I loved that several CFCMers brought friends to try their first CrossFit workout. I was really impressed by everyone, especially Jeff who really wanted to get over 300 reps, and pulled out 301... yeah babe!

"Fight Gone Bad"
3 Rounds
1' Wall Balls @ 14#
1' Sumo Deadlift High Pull @ 55#
1' Box Jump 20"
1' Push Press @ 55#
1' Row for calories
1' rest

I'm pretty sure the last time I did this workout was last year when we held the event. I was excited then with my score of 311. This year, I got 333, with a higher wall ball target... which I definitely felt. It's fun to see how much I am improving. It seems that most times that I repeat a workout, or go for a new PR, I am going faster or lifting heavier. I know this won't always be the case, but it is definitely rewarding.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Split Jerky

Maybe it was because it was a recovery day, maybe because I had a delicious salad from Beach Pit BBQ for lunch, or because I got a PR on my split jerk... but today was better :) Still didn't feel 100% me, but it was better.

Here were my workouts today:
5min SMR, mobility, dynamic
2k Row @ recovery pace (2:41)
10min prowler push (unloaded)... calf burner!
15min sled drag w/ 35#
10min sandbag get ups @ 40#
2k row @ recovery pace... though I have to admit, I only made it 1k at the end. I was starving and my pulled pork salad was calling to me... I couldn't row another minute!

Split Jerk
My lifts... 65-77-88-99-111-121-126#... over a 10# PR... super pumped! :)
This was really fun. All of the coaches did the workout together at the new gym for a video that will be posted on the CrossFit main site this weekend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What's with today, today?

This week is the worst! I don’t know what my deal is, but I am just not myself. Right before my workout today, I was actually angry... like I wanted to smash plates and punch things... what the heck?! Its probably good that the workout was sprints. I put my headphones in and turned my music up loud and ran as fast as I could... like I was running away from my crappy feelings. What I hate is not being able to explain it, so I’m going to blame it on girl stuff (or my ADD, baby), and that is probably what it is, but still... very frustrating.

My second workout of the day was sprints on the erg. Row for 30 seconds all out, rest for 90 seconds and repeat 15 times. Now that I know the difference between “all out” and “fly and die”, this was better today... but then again it was on the erg not the versa climber, so really a different story entirely. I listened to deadmau5 during both of my workouts today, which makes me laugh because its definitely the Steve/J music and for me to choose to listen to it on my own means it must be wearing off. I don’t think I could have handled my usual “clouds and rainbows” mix today though. I’m thinking tomorrow will be better... I’m hoping. Thursday is my recovery day, and we will be all moved over to the new gym... super exciting!

5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General W/up: 10min erg
2. PT: Jobes shoulder circuit #6
3. Specific W/up: 10min. easy jog with 2-3 hard efforts (sprint)
4. WORKOUT: Cardio - Running 200m repeats. 5x, rest 5 min. between (33,33,32,32,33 seconds)
5. Supplemental: Jerk drills; 1x @ PVC, 1x @ BB, then, 10x2 @ 30% Full ROM
6. Cool Down: easy 10 min.

15x 30/90" Row (avg. 144-149meters)

On a slightly different note, I had my last personal training session at the Y this afternoon. I decided to stop working there a couple of weeks ago. I feel much more excited about being over at CrossFit, and was beginning to feel guilty that I wasn’t spending much time at the Y anymore. I will miss the friends that I have made there, and my really awesome clients. I have truly been blessed in the last 2 years by so many of the people I have met through the Y. I went straight from there to coaching Onboarding at CrossFit, and I can say without a doubt that I love it so much. I love meeting new people as they come in, and watching as they get stronger and more confident. It is such rewarding and fun work, and I can’t imagine doing anything else right now.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Is it really only Tuesday?

Still kind of off today. I'm a little bit sore, but my body felt fine, and mentally I felt pretty good. I went to Kean Coffee early this morning and really enjoyed this time to myself to read and think. I read a chapter from one of my favorite books, Found Art by Leanna Tankersley, and a few passages of scripture. I love Leanna's book because she puts into words so many things that I have thought or felt... and it reminds me that I'm normal.

What especially stood out to me from the Bible was two passages from Romans 13: "Love does no wrong to anyone, so love satisfies all of God's requirements" (v. 10) and, "Let the Lord Jesus Christ take control of you, and don't think of ways to indulge your evil desires" (v. 14). I tried to keep these words in mind today... of course I forgot often as I got into my routine, but there were certainly times where I was more mindful of these things... to love freely, and to let go of control.

Here were my workouts today:
5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General W/up: toss med ball 5 min. (with partner or against wall)... oops, I forgot to do this, I rowed 10min instead.
2. PT: Glute/VMO
3. Specific W/up: DB Complex @ 15#, 6x ea. Hi-pull + BOR + Hang Clean + Thruster + OHS & Sots combo + Push-up & 1-arm row
4. WORKOUT: KB carries 30m ea; farmer walk 2x (70#), suitcase 2x (1x each)(70#), 1-OH (1x ea)(35#), Crosswalk(70/35#), then with sled @ 35# (used 53/35# for crosswalk w/ sled)
5. Supplemental: 3x10 T2B, 3x10 HSPU (used green and red bands), 3x10 pistol
6. Cool Down: 10 min. light sled drag (35#)

2nd workout: 6pm Group class.
Sumo Deadlift High Pull 10x @ 50% 1RM (68#), 4x8 @ 60% (78#) ... I don't know my 1RM, so I guessed, but it felt right.
Snatch (power) @ 65#
Handstand Push-up (I used 2 ab mats and kipped)
time: 11:11
I love taking the group classes. Love it! Its fun and I get to hang out with all of the people that I love at the best CrossFit gym!

Monday, September 12, 2011


One of my favorite books when I was little was “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.” I didn’t really have an Alexander day today... where everything seemed to go wrong, but something was definitely off. The last line in the book, which came to mind tonight is, “Some days are like that... even in Australia.” For whatever reason, this gives me some comfort.

I walked into the gym feeling fine today. Not amazing, but definitely not feeling bad. I did my warmup, and started into my workout, which didn’t look too terrible on paper. The deadlifts felt heavy, but I didn’t have to do too many reps, so I knew I could get through them. It was when I got to my 3 sets of 10 dips, push-ups, rows and lateral raises that I really started to struggle. Everything hurt, including the open rip on my palm from Saturday. I could only do a couple of push-ups before having to take a break. I wasn’t really so frustrated that it was hard today. This is probably pretty normal after a competition, and I was aware of this. I was frustrated that I wanted so much to be in it and to push through it, but I just wasn’t there. My body wasn’t. My mind wasn’t either.

After my second set, I sat outside for a while. I didn’t really think too much, just sat there and felt the breeze and tried to breathe. I felt like crying, but kept holding it back because I couldn’t think of why I wanted to cry, and I thought I should have a reason. Coach told me to call it quits for the day and move on. I don’t like doing this at all. I don’t like doing something different than what is written or when the weight gets changed because my form is off... or the workout gets shortened because I’m having an off day. Thankfully Steve usually knows better than me as far as this stuff goes... that’s why he gets paid the big bucks! Right Coach? ;)

Needless to say, I went home, ate some lunch and took a nap in the hammock. My tendency is to keep doing things... to avoid sitting still without the distraction of my phone or computer. I have a hard time breaking away from other people to be alone with my thoughts... with God, and the less I make this time for myself, the less I want to do it, and the harder it gets. As I thought about this today, I prayed that I would be able to make just one better choice a day. When I’m tempted to do something that is simply a distraction, that I would choose to do something that is more fulfilling or restful. Today I went home and napped in my hammock, and I’m thankful that I had permission to do so.

Some days are like that... even in Australia.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rest Day

No workout today, which is good because my body feels pretty sore. The weather was perfect today, so Jeff and I went for a little bike ride out to one of our favorite spots, which we have thoughtfully named "The Statue" because there is a large statue of a soldier at it. It overlooks the Back Bay and the Newport Harbor. I love it there. When I used to run more, this was always my favorite place to go. I kind of miss running... without a heart rate monitor on, or for a specific time. It is probably the best way to get me away from distraction and to think... or sometimes better, to not think. Anyway, being out there reminded me of this, and made me feel like a different Lindsay than the one who used to just run... not worse, just different.

We did a little work in the yard and I took a nap, then had a couple friends over for pizza. Yes... you heard me correctly. Before the whole "paleo" thing, Jeff and I used to make grilled pizza on a weekly basis. I remember the last time we made it and it was a year ago for my sister's birthday. We almost forgot how to do it... but it was delicious and left me with a full belly. I'm a fancy pizza girl, so this is what we put on it: pesto, spinach, mozzarella, apples, walnuts, and gorgonzola cheese. Good stuff.

Well, that is all my friends. On to a new week!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Having fun doing what I do

I woke up a little before my 6am alarm this morning, started the coffeee and headed over to the OC Fairgrounds to check in for the competition. It was overcast, but I wouldn’t have expected rain... definitely not a thunderstorm and hail, but sure enough! Fortunately I avoided getting too wet, but the event was postponed over an hour to reassess the situation and decide whether or not to continue. They decided to carry on with the event, but made some changes to the workouts. I don’t think the workouts were nearly as interesting, but they were fine, and could be completed rain or shine, which was the goal.

Here were the workouts:
  1. 10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) of 15 burpeesand 30 double unders. I got 6 rounds, 15 burpees, 4 double unders.
  2. 4 minutes to get as many reps as possible of a 135 pound deadlift. I got 103 reps.
  3. 7 minute AMRAP of 10 pull-ups and 10 air squats. I got 7 rounds, 10 pull-ups, 1 squat.

I was happy with how I did. I was placed 9th after the first workout. At first glance, this workout didn’t look to bad, but it was really exhausting. Both exercises are quite tiring, and the combo of the two was brutal. My body felt like jell-o when I was done. I don’t have any aching desire to do that one again!

I was very lucky that the second workout was changed from a 1 rep max clean and jerk to AMRAP deadlifts at less than 50% of my 1 rep max. I can’t help but love the reaction I get from people when I do deadlifts. The judge who counted my reps was really stunned at how many I did... the first 66 without letting go of the bar. Man, I love deadlifts!

The third workout went by fast. I moved pretty well for the first half, but my forearms really started to fatigue and I couldn’t string my pull-ups so well for the last half. I will take pull-ups over push-ups any day though!

All in all it was a great day. I had fun doing the workouts and watching my friends compete. I had to head out right after my last workout for a wedding in Malibu, so I had no idea how I did overall, but my hope was at least top 10... top 5 would be awesome. I ended up tying for 2nd place out of maybe 80 girls! The critical side of me says, “you wouldn’t have placed nearly so high if the workouts hadn’t been changed”, but it is what it is, and I’ve worked hard and did well. I love what I’m doing. I love training and I feel blessed that I get to do this. I am stronger physically, mentally, emotionally. I could have finished last and I’m sure I still would have had fun.

“You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.” -Christopher Columbus

Friday, September 9, 2011

Happy Firday :)

Tomorrow is competition day! I'm excited, mostly. The workouts look fun and I am confident that I have done all that I can do. I have rested pretty well this week, so I should be ready. I am mostly looking forward to watching my friends compete... there are several CFCMers participating tomorrow... a few for the first time whom I have seen from their humble beginnings, when their squats were awkward and they couldn't do pull-ups. I wouldn't be surprised if I tear up watching some of them. I know, I'm a softie!

Today's workout was light. Here she is...

10 min. foam roll, mobility, dynamic.
PT: 2x20 Jobes shoulder circuit #5
more foam rolling
10min easy warmup, then...
2x 200m sprints... hard fast effort.

I ran these sprints down to the end of our ghetto alley that I can't wait to get out of, and out to the crosswalk on Placentia. I ran as fast as I could, but had to slow down when I rounded the corner. A fall today would not have been ideal. My first sprint was 34 seconds, and my second was 33 seconds. I'm happy with this and it felt good to run fast!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Funky Day

I woke up at 5am this morning and wasn't able to fall back to sleep, then my alarm went off at 5:40. Bummer. I started thinking about my workouts on Saturday... not in a nervous, bad way so much. I was more playing them through my mind, almost as if I was watching myself do them, but feeling them and counting my reps at the same time. I thought about how I would breathe and where I would take breaks if I needed to. When I was eating breakfast was when I started to feel nervousness. All of a sudden, my eggs didn't taste so good. I don't like this feeling, but I know its just part of the whole thing. I don't think I will ever be completely comfortable... but this is something I love about it.

So maybe its nerves that have me in kind of a funk today... maybe its hormones... although it shouldn't be, if you know what I mean ;) But I feel like I could tear up at any moment. I know this is ok... but I just don't feel like it right now. Anyway... moving on. I am recently addicted to Pinterest, which is why I have put on hold all of my words with friends games. I have found something better to occupy "that time" of my day. Ha! I make myself laugh! Today I read this cute little quote from a 4 year old named Nathaniel. It read: "You know it was a good day if you didn't hit or bite anyone." So... despite my melancholic mood, according to Nathaniel, I guess I'm doing alright!

On to the workout. It is recovery day and I'm still tapering, so it was recovery day squared, and boy did I move slow. I guess it would be as good a time as any to mention that Steve Dugger, aka "Coach", programs all of my workouts and has been doing so for a year. I know I do the work, but I give him most of the credit as I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be where I am on my own. He knows his stuff and I think he's pretty much the best. Ok, here's today...
5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
General warmup: 10 min. easy row w/ 2-3 hard sprints for 10-20 sec.
PT: Glute/VMO, pec minor stretch 2x20”
WORKOUT: 3x20 wall squat, 4x5 box squat @ 30% (58#) (set box at 2" below parallel to break the kinetic chain), 50x TGU(Turkish get up) (5x ea. arm @ 18#kb, 5x @ 8#DB open palm w/ DB vertical)
Cool Down: 10 min. easy row

I ate eggs and chicken sausage with avocado for breakfast and a coffee (I even treated myself to Coffee Bean on the way home from the gym this morning :). I had a protein shake post workout, and for lunch had a salad with chicken, beets, tomatoes, walnuts, and 1/2 of a Costco avocado (big time!). Olive oil/balsamic/lemon juice and dijon for dressing. Then I had some strawberries and a handful of trail mix. And, I'll probably grab a larabar in a moment because I'm getting hungry again.

There you have it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Is it hot in here? Or is it just me?

I don't mean to be a wuss, seeing as I've lived in much hotter weather, but 90 degrees in Orange County is not OK with me! Our very old house is not equipped with air conditioning, and it is HOT in here! I needed to vent that. Moving on. Here is my workout today...

5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic (leg swings, pass throughs, OHS)
1. General warmup: 5min erg, 5 min. v-climb w/ 2-3 hard efforts
2. PT: Jobes shoulder circuit #5
3. Specific W/up: none
4. WORKOUT: 3x 20 sec. all out (aka "fly and die" :) V-Climber, 5 min. rest between sets (74, 77, 73ft)
5. Supplemental: 3x10 T2B (toes to bar), 3x10 bent lateral raise w/ 12#DB, 300" Ring FLR
6. Cool Down: 10 min. easy erg.

Today's workout was relatively easy... in that it was short. Going all out on the Versa climber is never going to be easy, but in all it was only 60 seconds of work. I am actually thankful to be tapering this week. The first time Steve had me taper before a competition, I didn't like it one bit. I have always been of the "more is better" mentality. This week, one semi-light workout a day is a nice break.

I am getting pretty excited for Saturday. Things have changed a lot in the last 9 months! All of the workouts have been announced, and I am feeling good about them. The first workout is 30-20-10 reps of pull-ups, wall balls, and a run. The second workout is an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) in 9min, 11sec. of: 9 thusters at 55#, 11 toes to bar, and 20 double unders. The third workout that I will have to complete at some point during the day is a 1 rep max of a Clean and Jerk. All good stuff. The thing that makes me the most nervous is that I should do well, so I fear that I won't do as well as I think I should. I have to trust that I am ready to do it and I feel like I am. All I can do is my best.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Come back coach!

5 min. SMR, mobility, dynamic
1. General warmup: 10min easy erg
2. PT: Glute/VMO 2x20 (bridges, stork, step up to 10# plate, v-climb)
3. Specific warmup: none
IWT (Interval Weight Training)
2 min. V-Climb (avg. pace 130ft/min) (265ft, 260, 266)
10x Hang Snatch@50% (45#ish... went a tad heavier)
3' rest, 3x
5' rest
2 min. Erg (2k + 12sec... 2:02 pace) (495m, 497, 499)
10x Deadlift 60% (175#)
3' rest, 3x
5' rest, then...
HSPU (kip to 1 ab mat)... I got 3 in a row on my last set... I actually pushed. Imagine that!
Rope climb
GH rise
goblet Squat @ 53#
6. Cool Down: 10 min. easy erg

Today felt hard. I woke up grumpy this morning. This doesn't happen too often, and I hate when it does. I didn't really want to work out, but I pulled it together... faked it 'til I made it. I still pushed hard, knowing that the rest of this week is going to be lighter with NLI on Saturday and if Steve was here, he wouldn't have anything less. Still, way better when you're here coach!

I probably won't blog what I eat every day, but I'm sure I'll share a recipe or food log from time to time. However, today has been pretty typical for a weekday, so I'll post the days eats thus far:

Pre-breakfast: a couple spoonfuls of almond butter (the flax one from TJ's... my favorite!), 1 cup of coffee w/ almond milk
Breakfast: 2 fried eggs w/ 1/2 avocado and ham
Post workout: recovery drink (this one tastes like orange creamsicle... quite tasty :)
Lunch: tuna (I make it with olive oil, green olives, red onion, and lemon juice), 1/2 avocado, and strawberries.
Snack: 1pc. almond meal crusted chicken (I actually paid Ben to make this for me. I'm sure its super easy, but I'm convinced he does it better. Way worth it... thanks Ben!)
For dinner, I'm planning to make some sort of chicken fajita salad thing because I have a Costco rotisserie chicken in the fridge... but we'll see.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day

5 min. SMR (foam roll), mobility, dynamic (hip mobility, leg swings, pass throughs)
1. General warmup: 10 min. easy erg, w/ 3 hard efforts (short 15 sec. sprints)
2. PT: Jobes Shoulder Circuit #5 w/2# plates
3. Specific warmup: 3x10 wall squat, 3x10 squat jump, 2x5 tuck jump,
1x10 Jerk Balance @30% (33#), 1x10 Hang Clean@30% (45#), then work up to 80% snatch (68#)
6x3 Snatch (full) @ 80% (68#) w/ 2' rest b/w sets (3,3,3,3,3,3)
6x3 Clean & Jerk @ 80% (94#) w/2' rest b/w sets (3,3,3,3,3,3)
5. Supplemental:
3x6 depth jump-to-broad jump off 18"box
3x10 muscle up drills (toes on box--did sets of 2-3 at a time)
300" FLR (plank on rings) (1’/30”rest)
6. Cool Down: 10 min. easy erg

I was supposed to do the following later in the day, but I had a good feeling I wouldn't make it back to the gym again, so I squeezed this in after my muscle up drills... and boy, did it hurt! Thank the Lord I only had to do 5 rounds. My first 3 were decent, but I started to decline quickly...

5x 30” all out sprint/90” rest V-Climb (100, 101, 100, 96, 95ft)... it has to be said that this is pretty much the worst thing ever!

I was happy with how I did today. The gym was quiet because of the holiday and Steve is still out of town, but Bobbie was there, and Jeff came in too to workout with me. He did some of the same things, but cut out after the box broad jumps. I overheard him say something to Bobbie about these workouts taking a long time. I'm glad he knows now that I'm not just messing around :)

Two of the three NLI workouts were posted today. I'm getting excited. The first workout is 30-20-10 pull-ups and wall balls with a 200m run between rounds. Right up my alley! The floater workout is a 1 RM Clean and Jerk. These strength deals usually move me down in the rankings, but I'm confident I can PR... its been a while and I'm pretty sure I've gotten stronger. There will be one more workout, but it is not yet posted... I'm hoping for something longer and not too heavy.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I heart Saturdays!

9am-- Group workout... Pick a Firebreather
100 pull-ups
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats
Time: 28:18

Before I started this workout, G kindly told me that her best time on Angie was 22 minutes, so this gave me a target. I was finished with my pull-ups at 7:50 (about the same as what I did a couple weeks ago when I had to do 100). Push-ups are my enemy. I can hear Coach in the back of my head telling me to hold in my abs and push through at the top. I hit 22 minutes and I probably had at least 25 push-ups to go. G, you're a stud! After I got through, one lousy rep at a time, the sit-ups and squats were a breeze. Firebreather time is 30 minutes, so I got it, but it was close!

10:30am-- Power Endurance
10x 30" Sled sprint w/25# plate, 90" rest between sets

This was tough, especially after 100 squats. Normally I would rest a few hours before my second workout, but its Saturday and I wanted to enjoy my coffee and Pierre's scramble at Haute Cakes Cafe, so I just went right into it. I love running and doing the sprints was fun. I turned my music up and pretended that someone or something was chasing me. I am pretty certain I ran as fast as my legs would let me. Lots of looks from our friendly crew down the alley... I must say, I will not miss those guys.
All in all, good workouts.